
Non-Professional Consepts Of Stock Exchange.

When we think about the non-professional concept of stock exchange, it refers to a natural person, who is applying in a personal capacity, as neither a principal, officer, partner, employee, nor agent of any business, nor on behalf of any individual. A non-professional is a person who obtains information for their own investment purposes and not for any business purposes.
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) in any capacity; The Commodities Futures Trading Commission; Any state securities agency; Any securities exchange or association; Any commodities or futures contract market or association.* Or foreign organizational equivalents.
Furthermore, a non-professional person can be neither (1) an investment advisor (as that term is defined in Section 201(II) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940, whether or not registered or qualified under that Act); (2) a person employed by a bank, or other organization exempt from registration under federal and/or state securities laws, to perform functions that would require registration or qualification if such functions were performed for an organization not so exempt; or (3) a person engaged as a consultant, independent contractor, software developer, or other person that uses market information for any purpose for profit other than the trading of that person's own personal account.
If you are a non-professional as defined above, please answer "I am not a Professional". If you are not a non-professional as defined above, you should answer "I Am a Professional". Please note that if for any reason your status as a non-professional changes, you are required to notify us.

Brief History Of Stock Exchange.

About the history of Stock Exchange , it is commonly thought that the idea of the stock exchange began in the middle of the 13th century. Venetian bankers had begun to trade government securities. In the late 13th century commodity traders began to gather at a house in Bruges. This meeting became known as the "Bruges Bourse" or Bruges Purse. Commodities trading soon spread to Flanders, Ghent and Amsterdam; while government securities trading spread from Venice to Verona, Genoa, and Flanders in modern day Italy by the 14th century. The Dutch would later join the trend and start companies which allowed shareholders to invest in business ventures and share in the profits and losses. In 1602, at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, the first shares of the Dutch East India Company were traded. This would be followed by the opening of the London Stock Exchange in 1688.

Stock Exchange As Share Market.

The stock exchange is also known as a share market. Stock exchanges are usually a corporation or other mutual organization providing facilities for stock brokers and traders to buy and sell securities and stocks. Each stock exchange usually has a central facility, mainly for bookkeeping, where transactions and trades are recorded. The stock exchange is the central component to stock markets.

Finance Definition Of Stock Exchange.

A business that is organized to trade stocks, bonds, or options, along with other financial instruments. Stock exchanges have membership requirements that listed companies must meet in order to have their stock traded on the exchange. Brokers who trade stocks that are listed on the exchange also must meet certain requirements and comply with exchange rules. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, and the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) are examples of stock exchanges.

Some More About Stock Exchange.

A stock exchange is essentially a marketplace for stocks and bonds, with stockbrokers earning small commissions on each transaction they make. Stocks that are handled by one or more stock exchanges are called listed stocks. For a corporation's stock to be listed on an exchange, the company must meet certain exchange requirements. Each exchange has its own criteria and standards, but in general a company must show that it has sufficient capital and is in sound financial condition. Once a company is listed, trading in its stock will be suspended if the company's financial condition deteriorates to the point that it no longer meets the exchange's minimum requirements.
When individuals wish to purchase a stock, they place an order with a brokerage house. The Broker gets a quotation or price and sends the order to the firm's representative on the floor of the stock exchange. The representative negotiates the sale and notifies the brokerage house. Transactions happen rapidly, and each one is recorded on a computer system and sent immediately to an electronic ticker that displays stock information on a screen.
New York Stock Exchange transactions may be made in three ways. A cash transaction requires payment and delivery of the stock on the day of purchase. A regular transaction requires payment and delivery of the stock by noon on the third day following a full business day. Around 95 percent of stock is purchased under these terms. Finally, purchase can be made through a seller's option contract, which requires payment and delivery of the stock within any specified time not exceeding 60 days, though seven days is the most common period.

Introduction Of Stock Exchange.

Stock exchanges where the exchange of stocks takes place between the buyers and the sellers. In effect these are the actual stock markets but the term stock market is used in a broader term to signify the overall stock holdings, indices, exchanges and everything else related to stocks.New York Stock Exchange started in 1792 and is located at the epitome of the US financial icon street called the Wall Street. It is undoubtedly one of the largest exchanges in the country. All the companies aspire to be listed here so there shares can be traded on this exchange but before a company can be listed here they have to complete certain set of criteria in terms of financial strength as well as the industry they operate in.
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